Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Forest, component of Nature at our Service

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
                                               -Albert Einstein (1879-1955).

Earth, the living place of human, and the place where we live and extract all the resources we need to execute our fundamental needs. For this motive we depend on the nature of this earth. Nature plays a vital role and has a deep impact on the lives of all organisms; it can be a friend or a foe. From the time a being comes into existence, it almost immediately, becomes aware of the necessary connection with the outside world. The creature begins by exploring all parts of the new surrounding, making all the essential adaptations. As the life form grows, it becomes more and more dependant on nature, realizing how important the trees, grass, and even the sky really are. Forest, an important part of the nature; is an area with a high density of trees & sometimes wild animals as well. Forest is the place from where we are having diverse life saving materials those are essential for our existence and these make the earth more beautiful themselves. But now a day’s we the human being, endlessly destroying our nature and forests to accomplish our basic needs and those have awfully devastating effects on us.

Ecology or the study of nature and the environment involves us in the conservation of the earth. We are at a point in the history of civilization where awareness of our fragile relationship to nature and the environment is high. We are losing 3,000 acres of rain forest and four species of plants and animals per hour around the world. More plants, insects, birds and animals became extinct in the 20th century than in any era since the Cretaceous disaster more than 65 million years ago the led to the extinction of the dinosaurs
“In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
-John Muir.

Monday, September 9, 2013

“Burigonga” a river of Bangladesh has become Death well/hollow

Burigonga River was the most beautiful & recreational place for the city dwellers of Dhaka about 40 years back. But now it has become a death hollow because of it’s intensity of toxicity. There is no living fish or even no micro-organisms in her water. The color of water has been dark black for the continuous disposal of industry garbage & color, tannery waste, hospital waste, human filth, launch oil etc.  are continuing to pollute Burigonga’s water.

The main causes are the unpurified or untreated waste from Pagla water treatment plant. It’s purification capacity is 1 lack 20 thousands cm3 water but it purifies only 50 thousands cm3 of waste water so others are directly dumped into burigonga. The greatest threat for this river is the waste of tannery industries in Hajaribug. The whole waste of about 250 industries of 22 thousands cm3 and 10 metric ton waste directly go into the river.

 One research showed that there are 62 types of toxic chemical available in burigonga’s water. Amoxicillin, penicillin, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin etc high captive antibiotics are mixed with in water. It’s come from hospital wastes like tablet capsules’ cover, saline, bandages, etc. on the other hand those toxic chemical can damage health of those people who use it directly. Even more hospitals clothing’s are washed with this water. Some people staying beside the river bank use it for bathing, washing purposes. This can be imagined easily how threatening the fact is!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Climate change & Death of a Potential Country (Perspective Bangladesh)

Within 21st century, Bangladesh is going to be one of the well developed countries in the world (if we/you want to). She is going through her own way with lots of opportunities to establish as a well developed country. But perhaps the huge threat is waiting for Bangladesh within 2070. Recent statistics shows, the amount of green house gas like carbon-dioxide has increased from 280ppm to 379ppm and methane -715ppm to 1774ppm consequently the average temperature will raise 1.6 to 6.9 degree Celsius. From the conference of Copenhagen in 2009, the specialists announced that the temperature will rise up to 4 degree Celsius within 2070. So the impact on climate caused by temperature rise could be----
·         Scarcity of water
·         The low lying areas will become flooded
·         The area which has not available water will turn into desert
·         The existence of human being will face an immense threat.
Because of sea level rise- the low lying areas in the planet, mostly the coastal areas will be affected………
Bangladesh is one of the countries in south Asia which will be smashed by the problem.
Specialists believe that the southern part of Bangladesh will go under water with 0.5 m to 2 m rise of sea water.
What will happen after 2060?
-The question arises…..
Because of the irresponsible & selfish deed of developed countries, a beautiful, little, promising country will go under water.
If it happens, it will be a silent death a country.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Naughty Environment, Climate Change and Migration in Bangladesh

Assessing the Evidence: Environment, Climate Change and
Migration in Bangladesh

In a nutshell Migration means the movement of persons from one country or locality to another. The movement of human has always got great importance to study for socioeconomic purposes. That is the reason behind the establishment of International Organization for Migration (IOM). From the beginning, IOM has been able to contribute to the policy making of numerous national and international organizations. As a part of their regular work they tried to find out the evidence of reason and consequences of migration in Bangladesh, particularly because of the Environment & Climate Change. Before, this matter was highly neglected and was out of focus but recently the world has seen some of the devastating impacts of climate change in migration and the matter have come to concern of many global organizations.

Bangladesh's overall migration management policy should be changed regarding to Risk Reduction and adaptation to environment and climate change. They wanted to contribute on the policy making of various government and non-governmental organizations on this issue. They started a research program on the topic and also arranged a dialogue held on 23 May, 2010. The conference was participated by various national, bi- and multilateral organizations, NGOs and research institutions. Experts exchanged their view to this burning question of this changing world and also proposed a few measures to be implemented depending on the report of IOM. According to the report environmental migration is caused by two kinds of environmental changes i.e. Sudden-onset events and slow-onset processes. These two processes are been equally responsible for the environmental migration in Bangladesh. We need to plan better policies to have a proper migration that would not cause further environmental degradation and of-course implement that.

Environmental change and migration:
There has always been an inter dependency between the migration and environment. Environmental change always caused human to find new ways or ideas of life. If there is no other way people had to go for a new place to adapt with where life would a little bit easier than the previous one. The topic became visible to us from the Copenhagen summit held in 2009. Migration is always been a multi causal occurrence. This is controlled by social, economic, political and other factors. People decide to stay at a place depending on available resources, social networks and the perceived alternatives they have on the place. Environment is one of the dominating factors of these factors of migration.
As the environment is the one among the factors of migration, migration is not the only consequences of the Environmental change. These two are highly dependent on each other but the only cause or effect of them. There would be forced and voluntary environmental migrations, but differentiation between this is too hard to do.
Extreme environmental events always caused human to leave their place at least temporarily. If there the condition becomes favorable they would go for rebuilding the previous one otherwise they have to leave the place for ever. They may also raise some atmospheric or hydrological nature, such as tropical storms or floods, with secondary impacts such as landslides. These natural calamities cause human to leave their homes and go for a safer place. But it’s not always co easy to do all at a sudden. If they have no preparation they have to face the devastating effects of the climate. They will loose everything they have for their livelihood and will have to start a new life as a environmental migrant.

Global data on people affected by disasters has improved considerably in recent decades as it says in a report of Munich Re's National Hazards Assessment Network (NatHan) over the last 30 years averaging more than 255 million people were affected every year between 1994 and 2003, although the numbers of deaths are decreasing. Developing countries suffer the worst as they don’t have adequate resources to cope with. Although extreme environmental events can cause mass displacement and can also affect the environment in places of destination. Particularly, unmanaged urbanization or refugee camps and temporary shelters may produce tension on the environment. In places this migration may cause land use pressure and degrade local ecosystem.

Climate change and migration:

The areas which are least responsible for climate change and least able to deal with its effect are suffering the most. They are the developing countries where the consequences will be most severe. But they have almost nothing to do. Climate change is expected to raise global temperature that will cause for some people of certain areas to leave the living place to survive. Areas those have been identified as 'hotspots' where greater exposure and sensitivity to climate change join with limited adaptive capacity suggesting that impacts will be most significant to those areas.

These changes are expected to affect the movement of people in at least four ways:
1) The strengthening of natural disasters (both sudden and slow-onset) leading to bigger displacement and migration,
2) The unfavorable consequences of increased global warming, climate unevenness and of other effects of climate change for livelihoods, public health, food security and pure water accessibility,
3) Rising sea levels that make coastal areas not fit to live in, and
4) Competition over limited natural resources leading to growing tensions and even conflict among the nations, in turn, displacement or Migration at a large scale resulting refugees.

Now this has been certain that climate change will lead to migration of people. We need to find the areas with significant amount of human mobility because of this particular reason. But we don’t have enough data to set our policies but this should not be the purpose of inaction to this alarming problem. We should seek to plan for environmental and climate related challenges in the future as mainstreaming migration into development, climate change and environment policy to minimize the risks and maximize the benefits of human mobility.

Critical Issues for Bangladesh:

The percentage of people living in poverty in Bangladesh has declined from approximately 59 percent to 40 percent since the independence in 1971, while the population growth rate has declined from 2.9 percent a year in 1974 to 1.4 percent in 2006. But still now we are not strong enough to protect ourselves from the environmental calamities.
Still now almost 75% of our total population lines in rural areas and most of them depend on the Agriculture. Our agriculture based economy leads us to depend for the climate mostly that defers us from the developed country as they have the industries those are partly dependent on the nature.
The population growth is still very high as we don’t have enough resource to feed our huge population with the fundamental things, which has already exceeded the deadline. Moreover when we have tried to improve our livelihood natural disasters, environmental degradation and climate change been the restrictions to the path. Then the people of the country not only have to cop with the vulnerabilities present but also with the devastating effects that are caused by the calamities. The most vulnerable peoples of the country are the flood plain populations & highly sensitive coastal systems. These people they have to migrate from their own place to the slums of major cities particularly to Dhaka. The consequences of this kind of migration are ever more destructive as we have little facilities to live in those. Last door that is closed for us is that, we are treated as third world country and we are considered as too low to be migrated to the developed nations.

Challenges that leads to environmental and climatic Migrations:

Both gradual and extreme environmental changes lead to the migration of the third world countries like ours. These changes can be divided to sudden-onset events and slow-onset processes, but most of the time we get a little chance to assure why the migration is caused for.

Sudden-onset events:

The sudden-onset events include floods, Cyclones and storm surges, River Erosion etc. Flood has been a part of our life in Bangladesh as almost one forth of the country face floods each and every year. We have already copped with the effects and we also have changed our farming method to reduce the bad effects. But in our country once in few years is a cruel flood that we can’t bear. This kind of flood cause huge displacement than any other natural event in Bangladesh. This is most obvious in every year or a few years. Last severe flood of 2007 caused 32,000 Km² of inundation; affected about 16 million people and 85,000 houses were severely damaged. Most of the time, these people have no other way than migration. In a study among four districts researchers found that almost 28 percent had at least one migrant and 83 percent reported that joblessness due to regular floods was the main motive for family members to migrate.

As Bangladesh is situated in such a geographic condition every three years there is a huge Cyclone or a storm surge. These affect the livelihood of the coastal areas and can even take millions of lives. Tropical cyclones in 1970 and 1991 killed about 500,000 and 140,000 people respectively. But inn recent years we have done huge progress in shelter and warning system that we are not loosing that much.

The coastal region in Bangladesh will always be susceptible to the danger of cyclones and associated storm surges and the threat of a raise in the severity of storms as a result of climate change. But cyclones as Sidr and Aila, has shown, we have improved our ability to mobilizing the immediate post-cyclone relief effort. In spite of this many households remained displaced for months or even years, unable to return to their villages.

The people living in the Char’s and along the big rivers have always been in a treat of erosion. In 2010 river bank erosion caused almost 15,000 people to displace from their living place. The heavy monsoon rainfall cause huge erosion of the big rivers and also the damage of the houses and the agriculture. A study proved that people of the erosion zone try to resettle themselves as much as 4 times, and then they migrate for lifetime.

Slow-onset processes:
In spite of some similarities there is also distinguishable dissimilarities between the coastal and river erosion. It depends on the nature of tidal forces and the river behavior at the coast. Coastal erosion can be both a slow and a sudden event. Climate change is likely to worsen coastal erosion primarily through rising sea-levels, but also through changes to river flow and other hydrological dynamics.
Some assessment Report predicts that there will be a total increase of between 26 and 59cm by the end of the 21 Century (or between 20 and 43cm on the mid-range). We need not to say that these will caused by the global worming that is consequence of environment and climate change. The process are slow but steady and alarming us of the effects that has already been seen by some of the countries. It is estimated that an increase of 1 meter of the sea level will can be the cause of 17.5 percent loss of total existing lands of the country. Bangladesh's NAPA and Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan recommend a range of actions including communications improvements, coastal forestation, employment adaptation and increased investment in disaster management by community participation.
In south-west of Bangladesh salt-water intrusion has shown its potential by reducing crop production. Ground water of those areas has already been problematic and need to go 250m deep for fresh water. As a result of sea level rise and very much dry in winter the problem is being more dramatic and reducing the accessibility of freshwater in the coastal areas.
Rising temperatures, changing rainfall patterns and drought are also the consequences of climate change slowly but they have shocking effects.

“Cascade effects” of the Change in Environment and climate:

Cascade effect of this kind of slow processes or sudden events of environment and climate change may cause environmental degradation, urbanization, human security problems and international migration to the place where they move. It is highly visible when a sudden event makes people to settle in a higher or comparatively safer place. In case of slow processes this doesn’t happen all in a sudden but has steady effects.
As nations develop economically, their urban areas grow in size and economic importance. But in Bangladesh the population growth is more severe as of 2.42 in urban areas having 1.42 in total. Moreover the environmental migrates comes to the urban areas to settle not by the pull factor but the push factor that is of the environmental degradation. Most of the slum dwellers of Dhaka are from the cyclone affected districts as Barisal, Khulna etc.
Environmental degradation right after a major sudden event is never negligible. The people of those areas don’t have enough supply of food & water. Moreover the sanitation system is completely ruined as they are poor enough to have a permanent sanitation system.
A study proved that after ‘Aila’ almost 15 families are using the same toilet. In case of urban slums the effect is more shocking as they have 2-3 toilets in the whole slum of 1000 people on an average.
Human security is a major concern as the affected people have nothing to feed themselves. In the shelters of migrates for short or long time there is no available access of food and water. There is always a conflict among them and they also fight for the fundamental things. They also need protection from harassment, trafficking or other negative dimensions of insecurity as some negative powers been always active on those circumstances. After the flood disasters of 1991, the death rate for women aged 20-44 was 71 per 1,000 as women face particular danger of physical and sexual harassment

International migration has never been so easy regarding the environmental degradation. The population leaving environmental degraded areas seems to cause environmental damage in the areas they enter. Along with that the developed countries are very much strict to adapt the environmental migrants as they are from third world countries like Bangladesh. Migrations may be of short and long distance. Long distance migration to Middle-East countries always been fruitful to Bangladesh as they earn revenue for the country. A study suggests that long-distance international migration is reduced in the immediate consequences of major environmental events where resources are at their most stretched.

On this note skilled international migration may be a great remedy to the problem.

Based on the evidence discussed above we may come to conclude with some policies for the policy makers that may help to improve the situation. As the Poverty reduction and the migration are interrelated interns of Bangladesh, the govt. should emphasize on the fact to introduce more skilled migrants that the developed countries would love to have. Both NAPA and CCSAP should design for self assessment first then to negotiate with the rest of the world for long distance and productive migration to play a key role. More research is needed for self assessment and research priorities should be given on minimizing forced migration, protecting the displaced, supporting migration as adaptation for internal and international migrants. They also should emphasize on afterwards environmental degradation and supporting cyclone affected communities and preventing trafficking of the affected community. Last of all country should try to minimize the risk and maximize profit towards a tactical approach to environment, climate change and migration with the limited resource. Migration can help to decrease risk to lives, livelihoods and ecosystems and also contribute to income diversification and improve overall ability of households and communities to cope with the unfavorable effects of environmental degradation and change.